22 June 2011

Workout Wednesday

In Junior High School every Wednesday in gym class was known as 'Workout Wednesday'.  The gymnasium was set up with a different workout at each station with running in the center.  I hated workout Wednesday passionately!  It isn't that I didn't like the stations and I didn't even really mind the running but at that time I liked sports with friends rather than gym class without my friends.  Looking back now I almost wish that my high school required us to do Workout Wednesday each week instead of one quarter physical education and one quarter of health education.

Derek and I signed up for a relay race in August for St. Jude Runs in honor of one of my friends who is a cancer survivor.  Well... we have yet to start training and are having a hard time finding the motivation to start training at least I am.  So today I decided I was going to search for inspirational photos to help me get going and this is what I found!

I love the saying on this photo!  When I run I typically have all my hair up but some of the time it is just nice to have it all down for a fun run.  Plus I have this sports bra and it is the MOST comfortable one I have ever purchased!

Anybody who has tried plank pose knows that it is a fantastic workout!  It is one of my top 5 yoga poses.

This one is just for fun because throughout high school and after if I was bored I would just do this to entertain myself and to stretch out my legs!

The handstand!  It has been years since I was in gymnastics but I always LOVED doing handstands.  Ever since my back surgery I've been a little apprehensive of doing certain things and the handstand is one of them.  It is one of my goals to work up the strength to do this again!

This is a photo of Jamie Eason a fitness model/writer.  I believe one of her friends created this "ad" with a wonderful and inspiring saying.  She is a true to heart person and wants her fans to know that she is real.  Jamie is a breast cancer survivor and is often featured in Oxygen Magazine, she also has a Facebook page where she sometimes posts healthy recipes such as her Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread.

After finding some inspiration I'm off to create a training plan to hang on my front door and do some yoga!


  1. Do you remember having to do Burpies for Workout Wednesday? Cuz I sure do.

  2. Haha yes I do! If I remember right there was also a tricep dip and step-up station as well!
