23 December 2011

Feeling helpless for the one you love

So I am not a person that believes in the flu shot.  The last time I most likely had one was when I was a child and I have only had the flu a total of maybe 3 or 4 times, even when taking care of others with the flu.  People have lectured me before about not getting a flu shot but in all honestly it is my choice that I have actually discussed with my doctor.  It is one of those things that some people never get the shot and never get the flu.  Sometimes people get the shot and never get the flu.  And even then there are those who get the shot and still get the flu because it does not protect from all types of the flu virus.

I am one that doesn't get the shot and vary rarely gets the flu.  In fact,  I had been telling Derek that he was really lucky he had never experienced me with the flu in our four years together.  That is until about ten minutes after we walked in the door from an eight hour drive back to Illinois on Tuesday.  Yep, for the first time in about six or seven years I got the flu and it was horrible!

Derek felt absolutely helpless in trying to care for me as I'm one of those really lucky ones that gets REALLY sick when they do get sick.  Yesterday, I felt so bad for being sick and having to have Derek take care of me I surprised him and put up more of our Christmas decorations before he came home from work while still feeling crummy.  Two days later now and even though I am still dizzy it is now my turn in feeling helpless in attempting to make the one you love feel better.

I was hoping that Derek would not get sick since he did in fact get a flu shot, but of course he did early this morning.  We are really hoping that he gets over it really quickly since if he did have to call in sick again it would pretty much bum somebody else and their family out that they had to cover at work.

Being sick at Christmas is actually something Derek and I are very used to.  Both of us remember being sick every single year with either a cold or the flu.  In fact Derek has had the flu all but one Christmas together.  Neither of us are stressed about anything this year and cannot blame being sick because of stress.

Our Christmas celebration with a pot roast dinner is most likely going to be delayed.  Which is okay with me since neither of us have gone shopping for each other yet (we keep going back and forth on getting gifts and not getting gifts).  And for family that has not received your Christmas cards yet I apologize but I promise they are written and have addresses on the envelopes, and well the stamps are purchased!  Maybe they will be New Year's cards this year!

If I don't get to blogging in the next couple of days I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas!  May you be healthy, happy, and spend time with (or talk to) the ones you love!  Oh yeah and make a snow angel for me too please!!!

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