08 September 2013

10 years have gone by.

Husband had his 10 year high school reunion! I was not able to make my reunion last year so it was nice that we could make his this year. His graduating class size was not even half of the number of students we would have in a regular class. My husband grew up in a tiny town village in Missouri. I teased him a lot when we first started dating about going to a one room schoolhouse. It wasn't really a one room schoolhouse but more of every grade was in the same school. Comparing his graduating class of nine (yes, I said 9) to my class of about 555, it was a very different world. 

His friends were kind enough to go with his schedule and we ended up meeting on a Wednesday for dinner, a bar, and then a friends house to end the night. Not much of a plan but when the town you grew up in doesn't not have anything but farms and a school you make due with what you have. During the day we ended up playing pool at the same bar we would end up at later that night as well as checked out a state park (the name escapes me but next time we are actually going to tour it). For dinner we met everybody at a nearby town diner that had great food.
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Old sign in the bar

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Look close to see Bambi
The graduating class of 2003 (minus 3 I believe) *the only appropriate photo I could post.

Many thanks to husbands friends in letting me attend your class reunion.  It was so nice to finally meet some more of you guys!

1 comment:

  1. fun! i can't believe i've been graduated for 8 years -- feeling old now! oh, high school...i don't miss you :)
