29 April 2015

Palm Springs, CA

I have been über busy with school since my last post.  By über busy I mean ten week semesters of doing homework and class discussions for more than 40 hours a week, yes that is online classes folks.  While I get three week breaks in between semesters the very last thing I want to do is spend that time on the computer.  Recently, husband and I headed out to Palm Springs, CA for a vacation with my folks and sister.  We had never been to Palm Springs and were really looking forward to just enjoying our time (and getting school work done so I could enjoy my time).

            Going there we didn’t really have any specific plans for the week besides visiting my sister-in-law (and meeting her boyfriend!) and then also visiting Joshua Tree National Park.  We also ended up doing days laying by the pool, visiting an Air Museum, art fair, and what husband was most looking forward to… eating In-and-Out Burger. 

Palm Springs Windmill Farm

Joshua Tree
The fruit atop the Joshua Tree
 The Joshua tree got its name from Mormon settlers.  They believed the tree looked like a hand reaching to the sky during prayer from the book of Joshua.

Turtle Rock
Skull Rock

Poppies grow randomly throughout the National Park.  By randomly, I mean we never saw more than a single flower.  Their color looked so fake against the drab desert colors.

"Fire Cactus" - my name for these

Little lizard
 We saw close to six lizards in the desert.  They were 6"-2' in length and always super scared of anything that moved.

I LOVED these dead looking trees.  I assume they died because of the drought; but, they looked so amazing with the rocks.

Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus

PSP Tower

The inside of a wing

The story behind the custom painted Huey

Railway car
We didn't do the railway car for many reasons.  The drive up to it though was beautiful with mountains as far as the eye could see. 

The view from our room

Husband and Seester eating their Spam Musabi from the Hawaiian food booth

This guy was AMAZING!  I have no idea what he was dressed as because it looked like something from a video game.  Some of Derek's favorite YouTube channel owners (or something) approached this guy to talk about having him on their show.  And Derek got to meet his favorite YouTube channel people or whatever I didn't fully understand because I was eating Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream! 

You know those videos you see on Facebook with artists doing these absolutely incredible paintings with spray paint in a matter of minutes... yep this guy is one of them!  So much talent!

The art fair was pretty cool.  Our last night out we decided to walk the main streets and just experience what locals recommended for entertainment.  There were many food booths, musicians, and artists along the way as well.  I definitely recommend the art fair on Thursday nights in Palm Springs, CA to anybody and everybody if you are in town.

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