03 June 2015

Dear Younger Self

For one of my classes we are required to do journal entries for each unit.  One of our assignments was to write a letter to yourself from the future.  This is my letter...

Dear Younger Self,
            In the blink of an eye each year will pass.  You will wonder where time has gone and wish you had done better.  Do your best to not focus on what you feel you could have improved in the past and instead do what you can to change your future.
            Reality has a way of eating you up.  It will tear you apart and break you down.  Instead of letting it get to you, concentrate on the positive things in your life.  Go back to your confirmation days and once a week create a list of Highs and Lows.  Choose your career wisely and don’t be afraid to find something better if you do not like how your current job changes you.  You may feel guilty for not knowing what you really want to do with your life, remember that most adults still do not know what they want to do with their own lives.
            Friends will come and they will go, family is forever.  Your husband’s job means you may move every five years before finding your true home.  Be friendly with his coworkers and their spouses as they will become your family away from home.  Remember that real friends will be there for you when you need and they will support you in your darkest days.  You will have dark days and you will need somebody to talk to, to vent to, and just somebody to be there for you.
People love to give advice, good and bad.  Always have an open ear to listen to what others have to say.  However, choose very wisely as to the advice you follow.  What works for some people might not work for you.  Don’t be afraid to ask for advice and don’t be afraid to give advice.  Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
            Take care of yourself, you only have one body and one life.  Wear sunscreen daily.  Exercise, get outside and get moving.  Exercise does not have to be hard but it can be fun.  Take your dog out for a walk.  Go on an outdoor scavenger hunt on a trail.  Stretch, every single day!  You had your back reconstructed once, keep stretching to prevent you from having another surgery soon than later.  Sign up for a fun run with obstacles to remind you of the joys of childhood and getting dirty.  Keep staying away from fast food and learn how to plan meals that are nutritious and delicious.  Your body will thank you in the long run for making positive choices.
            Travel as much as you can.  Whether you go on a day trip or a planned vacation, get out there.  There are unlimited options out there of where to go.  Don’t take the world around you for granted, take care of it for future generations.  See the beauty in nature.  Appreciate architecture.  Learn the history behind the places you go.  Don’t be afraid of embarrassing yourself (especially at Disney World) because chances are you will never see those people again and it will end up being the most memorable experience.  Turn off electronics on vacation as it is a time to get back to the basics where you enjoy quality time with your family.
            Love and appreciate your husband.  Always remember why you fell in love.  You chose him to be your partner for life.  Encourage one another.  Support one another.  When you have a family, show your children what a positive and healthy relationship is and what they should have for expectations in their future spouse.  Embarrass the heck out of your children, they will remember these times.  Believe in your husband.  Believe in your children (when you have them).  Believe in your family.
            Lastly, trust in the Lord.  Joshua 1:9 says: “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  You will not always know why things happen to you; but, God has a plan for you.

From Your Older Self

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