30 January 2012

Day 15: Movies I'm looking forward to seeing in 2012

A two for one because I missed yesterday.  Just a warning that this may be a long post but I will try to organize it by month!

For those who don't know me well, my boyfriend and I see a lot of movies, a lot!


  • The Grey - We actually saw this and it was really good but didn't know we should have stayed to see a final scene after the credits were over.
  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Probably a red box since it hasn't gotten really good reviews.
  • Red Tails - A definite red box since the last few Cuba Gooding Jr. movies have been really horrible.
  • This Means War - It kind of looks like a action chick flick.
  • The Vow - I would never make Derek see this with me but I will go alone if I have to!  I am going to try to get a girls night together to see this movie).
  • The Lorax - A red box one but I'm curious with this Dr. Suess movie.
  • Mirror Mirror - Looks like an interesting twist on Snow White
  • The Lucky One - Yep, based off another Nickolas Sparks book.  Possibly another girls movie night out!
  • The Avengers - We might actually go to the midnight showing of this but from seeing all of the other superhero movies I am excited for this one to come out.
  • Battleship - It looks alright.
  • MIB III - I'm not wanting to see this Men In Black movie but I'm sure it will be Derek's birthday celebration or something since he is uber excited to see it.
  • Star Trek 2 - I surprisingly really enjoyed the first one!
  • The Amazing Spider-Man - People think I'm crazy when I say I don't like the Toby versions but I am excited for this one.
  • Red 2 - I loved the first one!
  • The Odd Life of Timothy Green - A couple who is having trouble getting pregnant plant a box of what their child would be like and a child appears.
  • The Expendables 2 - I don't know why I enjoyed the first but Derek will want to see the second and it shall be a fabulous date.
  • Finding Nemo - I believe they are releasing it in 3D.
  • Taken 2 - Liam Neeson is one of my favorites!

  • ??? TBA

  • The Hobbit - I have been waiting for this to come out for SO long!  

Day 14: My favorite iPhone apps

Hello delicious apps!
As much as I love my iPhone I don't use a whole variety of apps like I initially thought that I would.  I use my camera so much and have so many photos and videos on my phone that I don't have a ton of room left for many apps.  Some of my favorites though (again no particular order):

  • The Weather Channel (especially when driving back and forth between states)
  • TargetWeight (since I am working on losing weight this helps me keep track of progress and how many more days I have to go in getting to my goal weight)
  • iP Free (a cycle tracker, just very helpful to keep track of moods, appetites...)
  • Words with Friends & Hanging with Friends (I'm not the quickest at keeping up with my games but I still love playing them)
  • Kare 11 (Derek makes fun of me and says, "we don't even live there right now why do you need to know what is going on?".  They have a Whatsupwiththat feature that has odd stories that I love to read)
  • IMDB (For any movie and trivia lover!  Derek and I cannot watch a single movie without looking it up on IMDB)
  • Pandora (because I cannot clean the house in silence)
  • Craftgawker (I think it is similar to Pinterest but I haven't checked Pinterest out)
  • Weddingawkr (because I hope to have a wedding in the future)
  • Dwellinggawkr (this has great ideas to decorate a house/apartment)
  • Bodybuilding (because I sometimes am not sure how to do specific exercises and it has videos to help out!)
What are some of your favorite phone apps?

28 January 2012

Day 13: Something I'm looking forward to

So in no particular order...

  • Getting out of Illinois or at least out of Ptown!
  • Finally getting back to being physically fit after my years off from surgery
  • One day getting engaged and planning the wedding
  • One day being a wife
  • A fabulous honeymoon!
  • One day being a mom (not for quite some time though)
  • Traveling (I need to get more use out of my passport before it expires and I have to apply for another new one!) 
      Everybody should have a passport!
  • More dates! And double dates!
  • Game nights
  • Getting rid of stuff I have held onto through the years but just takes up too much space
  • Building a home with Derek
  • High school 10 year reunion (Really didn't think I would ever go to it but it sounds like it might be a good time and a great opportunity to see some old friends)
That's all I can really think of besides the basics of everyday life and going to visit family!  Each day truly is a blessing and something to always look forward to.
Each day I am alive is a good day

26 January 2012

Are you allergic to the cold?

This one is for you momma!
A friend posted a photo on Facebook (thanks Jenny!) of an article from USA Today.

  It makes me excited that researchers are finally acknowledging having an allergy to the cold.  My mom is actually allergic to the cold, she gets hives even during the summer if she gets too cold.  I think she was in her late 20's or early 30's when she kept seeing doctors and nobody would believe that she was allergic to the cold.  Even when I would tell people that my mom is allergic to the cold, people just think I'm joking around with them when I'm totally serious.  From what I have seen from my mom's experience being allergic to the cold, it is miserable!

Momma you need to get a copy of this article and frame it!

Day 12: Favorite place to eat

So not to sound cliche but my favorite place to eat is at home (my kitchen or my mom's kitchen...).  I've been cooking my own meals and helping my mom cook and bake since I was about nine years old.  There is something about creating your own food that makes it taste so much better than going out to any restaurant.  Plus, making your meal yourself you can add or take out whatever you want to and not have to worry about getting your order correctly.

My old kitchen that I miss!

If I had to choose a restaurant it would literally be any restaurant that has an incredible salad bar!  Ruby Tuesday's is always a good choice for salad bar.  In Ptown there is Alexander's which is good for the carnivorous and those who prefer the veggies! 


24 January 2012

Day 11: Funny photo of myself

Celebrating Derek's birthday and messing around.  I make a fierce firefighter!

23 January 2012

Day 10: iPod Shuffle - first 10 songs

Here you have my very random taste of music!  I am told I have horrible taste in music but that doesn't bother me.

1: Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
2: The Last To Say - Atmosphere
3: Rocket Man (I think It's Going To Be A Long, Long Time)  - Elton John (LOVE him!)
4: Freak On A Leash - Korn
5: Just Friends - Gavin DeGraw
6: If you See Kay - The Script
7: High Speed - Coldplay
8: Taking Chances - Celine Dion
9: Summerland - Everclear
10: Das Beste - Silbermond

22 January 2012

Day 9: Fitness Challenge Update

So... the fitness challenge kind of went downhill during December when nearly everybody got sick and then got the flu.  We are starting it back up again though and I'm not totally sure when the final weigh in/measurments will be.

As of right now Derek is totally winning at both the weight loss and loss of inches.  I have lost a total of I don't know close to 10 lbs and I think almost 2 inches.  Which actually meant I am down 1 pant size and some shirts are starting to fit better.

I only have four training sessions left which is a major bummer but I have learned a lot from her. The biggest challenge that I have found for me is that I have a hard time getting myself to go work out by myself.  Derek works out with some of his coworkers which I think makes it easier to get yourself to the gym each day.  This coming week though I am going to push myself to go 5 days and shoot for a minimum of 4 each week.

What do you find to be your biggest challenges in going to the gym and getting fit?

18 January 2012

Day 8: Something that stresses me out

I'm cheating and doing two in one night because I fell behind from celebrating Christmas with family (good excuse)

So, I'm sure that my family and Derek might say differently but I don't get stressed easily.  It takes a huge amount of one thing or many things to stress me out.  The only thing that both Derek and I could actually come up with that stresses me out is my issues with food and not wanting to talk about it.

For those who don't know me that well, I have food issues.  Really bad food issues!  I have always been a finicky eater and for some bizarre reason people like to point out that I am a picky eater.  Please tell me something that I don't know instead of pointing the obvious.  Going out to eat is a pure headache because everybody tries to have me pick out a restaurant when in reality I would much rather make something at home.  I worked in the food industry for about 7 years and I am just not a fan of dining out.

I'm not sure why I am such a picky eater maybe it is a fear of the taste and textures of different foods.  Yes, those really are defined phobias as well as hypersensitivity disorders.  Maybe I just have selective eating disorder.  Any which way there is something there that hinders my ability to try new foods (seafood will never be on the try list though) even when I am feeling in a good mood of wanting to try something.

A common misconception that people have about me and my picky eating is that I don't know how to cook anything other than what I eat.  Oh those who believe this are so very wrong!  I am actually a great cook.  I love to experiment with new recipes for Derek to try out.  Coincidentally the only thing that Derek has not liked so far that I have made was an apple pie where I used store bought crust to save on time... will not do that again because apparently the crust was incredibly gross.  I am fairly good at reading ingredients and knowing which ones would go well together and which ones might be a little different.

Some things that people should NOT say to a picky eater are:

  • Just try it.  You don't know if you don't like it if you won't try it. (Sometimes, it isn't the trying the food but a fear behind trying the food even if they think they will like it.  Sounds nuts but it is true.)
  • Where do you want to go to eat?  (Honestly, most picky eaters will eat before or after going out to eat so everybody else can eat as well.)
  • How can you not like insert food?  It is SO delicious! (Doesn't matter if somebody else thinks it is delicious or not.)
  • Wow, so you know how to cook. (Doesn't matter if the picky one is eating it or not, some people just like to cook.)
  • Are you still a picky eater? (Really?)
  • What do you (or don't you) eat? (Why?  Are you planning on becoming a nutritionist who works with picky eaters?)
And the thing that absolutely drives me nuts that people do is freak out and make it a huge deal when I do try something new.  That is not in the least bit supportive by any means and does not encourage trying new things in the future.  In fact, it kind of does the opposite and makes me not want to try anything new especially in front of that person who just made me feel like the size of a pea.

Day 7: Highs and Lows

I used to love Highs and Lows during Confirmation every week.  It was a great way to look at the brighter side of things when you thought you didn't have anything good to look forward to during the week.  I always wanted to start with my lows because that way I ended on a high point.

My lows for this week:
I kind of feel behind in classes which coincidentally just started
I haven't gotten to the gym at all and I really need/want to (I want a workout buddy again)
My house is a disaster (anybody want to volunteer cleaning it for me??)
I still have not gotten over the cold I had all of December
Had to schedule my annual Dr.'s appointment (at least it is not the same doctor as last year!)
Winter is still MIA

My HIGHS for this week:
We FINALLY got to celebrate Christmas with family!
I got to spend time with family (ahh it was so needed!!!)
Classes started yesterday and I'm looking forward to having something to do again each week
I got my diamonds back! (Derek was awesome and picked up my earrings for me)
It is my turn for a tickle-scratch tonight!
Derek still loves me!

The family!  (and some that are almost family)

11 January 2012

Day 6: Photo

Derek and I got Kindle Fire's for Christmas.  Black is not my thing and I needed to girlify (yep it is now a word) my Kindle so it was pretty.  What better way than to add a "flower"?!  It turned out a little different than I had expected but I think that it works for now!

Derek's Kindle next to mine
The "flower" I sewed onto the elastic

What do you think?

10 January 2012

Day 5: Post 3 pictures of famous people

So I'm not huge on "celebrities" and I generally don't know the names of most of them but here we go!

Jamie Eason
Jamie Eason on the current cover of Fitness RX Magazine

I know that a lot of people might be like Jamie WHO?  Jamie Eason is a fitness model and bodybuilder.  I picked her for so many reasons.  If I ever had the pleasure of meeting a "celebrity" I would want to meet her because I think that we need more positive role models in our world.  Jamie had a scare of breast cancer and changed her life around after that scare.  She is a Christian and doesn't care if people know.  Jamie shares tips and recipes through her website as well as her Facebook page.

Angelina Jolie

Now I am absolutely not a fan of Angelina's acting skills by any means.  I do have a lot of respect for her using her "celebrity power" for good and trying to improve the world.  It would be awesome if more famous people would use their power and money for something that would improve the world we live in.

Bruce Willis

I am a fan of the Die Hard movies plain and simple.  He is funny.

09 January 2012

Day 4: How I have changed

The day before we moved to Illinois!
Derek and I moved to Illinois on July 29th, 2009.  Throughout our 2-1/2 years of living here I know that I have grown up since my days of living with my mom and dad.  I feel that I am able to have better conversations with my family, more adult and serious conversations.  Before moving I thought that I was a patient person and in reality I found out that after moving I have even more patience than what I thought.

Things I have learned:

  • Grocery shopping can be therapeutic (if you know what you go to buy)
  • Living away from home isn't so bad
  • I hate vacuuming, hate it
  • I keep a better house when I know we are expecting company
  • I am much more responsible with money and keep getting better with it each day
  • I am really bad at finding things to do.  Just because you move to a "big city" doesn't mean there will be things to do in said "big city".  Seriously, Derek and I go to a lot of movies and make weekly trips to the Goodwill and Salvation Army because I cannot find anything else for us to do.
  • I did not know that it was possible to fall in love with somebody day after day
That's all I have for now as I have to finish up making some Christmas gifts.  Yes, Christmas gifts as we have yet to celebrate.

08 January 2012

Day 3: Something I find interesting

Picking just one thing that is interesting to me is hard because I find pretty much everything interesting to an extent.  The thing that I find the most interesting though is probably anything to do with the human body, and treating ailments, and hospitals.  This is probably thanks to the many relatives that I have had go in and out of the hospital.  From car accidents, pneumonia, cancer, births, and deaths, I have seen a lot in visiting family in hospitals.

I have been so curious during some procedures that the doctors have actually told me to sit still and they would just tell me everything they were doing.  X-Rays, MRI's, CT scans, and ultra sounds are incredible.  I mean you can actually see the inside of your body and how it works before your eyes.  How cool is that?!

In fact I have been SO incredibly lazy today watching the TLC show Untold Stories of the E.R.  While I know that some parts of the show are dramatized for reenactment purposes the stories are quite fascinating.  I say fascinating because some of the things that are shown on the show are things that doctors don't generally see during their entire lifetime of treating patients.

The thing that I love the most about medicine and hospitals is that each patient is to be treated the same.  There is no room for judgement, racism, and hatred.

07 January 2012

Day 2: Moment you felt most satisfied in your life

My turtle shell on the far left along side braces I made for school.
Day 2 of the blog challenge and this one really is a challenge!  I know this may sound a bit silly but when I could take off my turtle shell for good was probably one of the most satisfying moments in my life.

My back problems began when I was around 13 years old and I was 21 when I finally had my reconstructive surgery.  I had put my body literally through hell in those years.  I will be completely honest when I say I am incredibly surprised that I don't have any liver damage from all of the medications and narcotics that went through my system.  After my surgery I was elated that I could move my toes which meant I was not paralyzed and they steered clear of my spinal cord.  I was scared that I could not see anything and experienced temporary blindness for close to two weeks.  Even with my turtle shell I felt weak standing and sitting.  My parents had to help me up out of bed and off the couch.  They even had to help bathe me the first time after I got home from the hospital (funny story of me sitting on a patio chair in my swimsuit trying not to pass out as one of them held me and the other one washed hair, arms, and legs).  I needed help in an out of my turtle shell until I figured out a way to do it myself.

For four and a half months there were times I felt absolutely helpless living in my turtle shell.  Once the doctor told me that enough bone had filled the space where my discs had been between my vertebrae I would be able to take the turtle shell off for good, I was relieved and terrified at the same time.  I thought that I could finally get on with my life.  For about the first month or so it felt weird as though I had lost a part of me.  As weird as I felt I was extremely satisfied that I was to a point in my recovery that I could just be me again.  I had not been me for years and getting back to me was the greatest thing in the world along with not living everyday in pain. 

06 January 2012

Day 1: A day in the life

Now I don't lead the most exciting life especially since I don't work, I don't have children, and school hasn't started back up yet.  But today my day went like this:

  • Wake up and put warmer clothes on
  • Take Bentman outside to do his thing
  • Feed the Bentman
  • Get myself around and eat some breakfast
  • Clean up as quick as possible while playing with Bentley
  • Allow our landlord and some lady in our unpacked apartment to look around at the floorplan
  • Fix up some lunch
  • Take Bentley on our mile walk
  • Be happy that Derek comes home from work :)
  • Shower and work on laundry
  • Play with Bentley more
  • Begin making turkey meatballs
  • Feed the puppy
  • Eat yummy dinner!  Spaghetti and meatballs
  • Dishes... ick.
  • Enjoy a night of sewing (i made the most awesome Christmas present for my nephew!) and watching movies with the one I love
  • Play keep away with Derek because it is hilarious watching Bentley
  • Get ready for bed and take the Bentman out again
  • Go to bed and fall asleep next to the one I love after lots of laughter and a few youtube videos
I know you are all super jealous of my really exciting life that I lead!  School starts up again in about a week and a half and I am looking forward to the new challenges.

05 January 2012

Blog Challenge

A friend of mine over at As Iron Sharpens Iron is doing a blog challenge for 30 days and I thought that it might be fun to try myself.  I'm not sure that I will be able to blog daily but hope to try!  There will probably be a few in there that I just blog for fun instead of following a schedule.  So here it is:

Day 1:  A day in the life (bullet your day)
Day 2:  Moment you felt most satisfied in your life
Day 3:  Something I find interesting
Day 4:  How I have changed (a little vague but maybe I'll write about how I have changed since moving to Illinois)
Day 5:  Post 3 pictures of famous people (and explain why you chose them)
Day 6:  Photo
Day 7:  Highs and Lows
Day 8:  Something that stresses me out
Day 9:  Fitness Challenge Update
Day 10:  iPod Shuffle - first 10 songs
Day 11:  Funny photo of myself
Day 12:  Favorite place to eat
Day 13:  Something I'm looking forward to
Day 14:  My favorite iPhone apps
Day 15:  Movies I'm looking forward to seeing in 2012
Day 16:  Funny photo
Day 17:  Most daring thing I have ever done
Day 18:  Funny story
Day 19:  A bad decision I've made
Day 20:  Photo
Day 21:  The life of a student
Day 22:  Favorite things of my home
Day 23:  Childhood photo
Day 24:  What I worry about
Day 25:  Home tour
Day 26:  Favorite meal to cook - with recipe
Day 27:  Songs that are tied to memories
Day 28:  Photo
Day 29:  Where I want to be in 5 years
Day 30:  To do list

Wish me luck!

01 January 2012

Resolutions or no resolutions?

I have never been one of those people who created resolutions but never had a reason of why not.  Last year was actually one of the first years that I decided I would make resolutions if you want to call them that.  I called them things I wanted to do.

My things I wanted to do were simple:

1*Learn how to do the Wilton rose along with a leaf. Double check!
2*Get back into the gym.  Check!
3*Move into a smaller apartment to save money.  Check!
4*Get a dog.  CHECK!
5*Pay off credit cards.  Would be a check if SAM's Club would have actually sent us our bill when we asked them to do repeatedly.

So it makes me think about the upcoming year, what do I want to accomplish?

1*Become more diligent in going to the gym and being active everyday.
2*Completely pay off the credit cards by June.
3*Cook/bake more for Derek.
4*Take more photos with my camera.
5*Go on more dates with Derek.
6*Finish unpacking and decorate our new apartment!
7*Get ride of things that Derek and I don't need.
8*Spend less time on my phone (it is seriously addicting!)

I kind of want to throw something really crazy in their too but I'm not quite sure of what, any ideas?

What are some of the things that you want to accomplish this year?