18 January 2012

Day 7: Highs and Lows

I used to love Highs and Lows during Confirmation every week.  It was a great way to look at the brighter side of things when you thought you didn't have anything good to look forward to during the week.  I always wanted to start with my lows because that way I ended on a high point.

My lows for this week:
I kind of feel behind in classes which coincidentally just started
I haven't gotten to the gym at all and I really need/want to (I want a workout buddy again)
My house is a disaster (anybody want to volunteer cleaning it for me??)
I still have not gotten over the cold I had all of December
Had to schedule my annual Dr.'s appointment (at least it is not the same doctor as last year!)
Winter is still MIA

My HIGHS for this week:
We FINALLY got to celebrate Christmas with family!
I got to spend time with family (ahh it was so needed!!!)
Classes started yesterday and I'm looking forward to having something to do again each week
I got my diamonds back! (Derek was awesome and picked up my earrings for me)
It is my turn for a tickle-scratch tonight!
Derek still loves me!

The family!  (and some that are almost family)


  1. What is wrong with this picture? All the men (including Noah) are in a chair and the women (including Grace) are on the floor!
