01 January 2012

Resolutions or no resolutions?

I have never been one of those people who created resolutions but never had a reason of why not.  Last year was actually one of the first years that I decided I would make resolutions if you want to call them that.  I called them things I wanted to do.

My things I wanted to do were simple:

1*Learn how to do the Wilton rose along with a leaf. Double check!
2*Get back into the gym.  Check!
3*Move into a smaller apartment to save money.  Check!
4*Get a dog.  CHECK!
5*Pay off credit cards.  Would be a check if SAM's Club would have actually sent us our bill when we asked them to do repeatedly.

So it makes me think about the upcoming year, what do I want to accomplish?

1*Become more diligent in going to the gym and being active everyday.
2*Completely pay off the credit cards by June.
3*Cook/bake more for Derek.
4*Take more photos with my camera.
5*Go on more dates with Derek.
6*Finish unpacking and decorate our new apartment!
7*Get ride of things that Derek and I don't need.
8*Spend less time on my phone (it is seriously addicting!)

I kind of want to throw something really crazy in their too but I'm not quite sure of what, any ideas?

What are some of the things that you want to accomplish this year?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year too!!

    I love making goals for the year, it makes me feel accomplished even if they are silly little things. I was writing my list earlier this week and it started getting too long so I an going to try and condense it!
