10 January 2012

Day 5: Post 3 pictures of famous people

So I'm not huge on "celebrities" and I generally don't know the names of most of them but here we go!

Jamie Eason
Jamie Eason on the current cover of Fitness RX Magazine

I know that a lot of people might be like Jamie WHO?  Jamie Eason is a fitness model and bodybuilder.  I picked her for so many reasons.  If I ever had the pleasure of meeting a "celebrity" I would want to meet her because I think that we need more positive role models in our world.  Jamie had a scare of breast cancer and changed her life around after that scare.  She is a Christian and doesn't care if people know.  Jamie shares tips and recipes through her website as well as her Facebook page.

Angelina Jolie

Now I am absolutely not a fan of Angelina's acting skills by any means.  I do have a lot of respect for her using her "celebrity power" for good and trying to improve the world.  It would be awesome if more famous people would use their power and money for something that would improve the world we live in.

Bruce Willis

I am a fan of the Die Hard movies plain and simple.  He is funny.

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