05 January 2012

Blog Challenge

A friend of mine over at As Iron Sharpens Iron is doing a blog challenge for 30 days and I thought that it might be fun to try myself.  I'm not sure that I will be able to blog daily but hope to try!  There will probably be a few in there that I just blog for fun instead of following a schedule.  So here it is:

Day 1:  A day in the life (bullet your day)
Day 2:  Moment you felt most satisfied in your life
Day 3:  Something I find interesting
Day 4:  How I have changed (a little vague but maybe I'll write about how I have changed since moving to Illinois)
Day 5:  Post 3 pictures of famous people (and explain why you chose them)
Day 6:  Photo
Day 7:  Highs and Lows
Day 8:  Something that stresses me out
Day 9:  Fitness Challenge Update
Day 10:  iPod Shuffle - first 10 songs
Day 11:  Funny photo of myself
Day 12:  Favorite place to eat
Day 13:  Something I'm looking forward to
Day 14:  My favorite iPhone apps
Day 15:  Movies I'm looking forward to seeing in 2012
Day 16:  Funny photo
Day 17:  Most daring thing I have ever done
Day 18:  Funny story
Day 19:  A bad decision I've made
Day 20:  Photo
Day 21:  The life of a student
Day 22:  Favorite things of my home
Day 23:  Childhood photo
Day 24:  What I worry about
Day 25:  Home tour
Day 26:  Favorite meal to cook - with recipe
Day 27:  Songs that are tied to memories
Day 28:  Photo
Day 29:  Where I want to be in 5 years
Day 30:  To do list

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! Excited to read! I find it challenging to blog every day too - I often "schedule" my blogs to be posted at certain times instead. So I'll write 3 or 4 if they're not about current events and then have them scheduled to publish later on. Much easier!

  2. Thanks for the advice Kristi! I actually got two of them written tonight for the future while Derek was sleeping. I can't wait to read you posts!

    Miss you too Uncle Kim!

  3. Can't wait to read on! LYTWWWABA x 2 Guess who!
